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Oktai is a puzzle platformer game created by Seagull Academy from Nanyang Polytechnic.
Created in Unity.
Created by
Henna Riihiaho, Miro Salminen, Rami Suvanto (Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, FINLAND)
Desmond Peh, Quek Rui Jing, Rachel Tan, Cheong Pei Ling (Nanyang Polytechnic, SINGAPORE)
Lee Ji Woo, Hong Gyu Tae (Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, SOUTH KOREA)
Thomas Senec (Rubika, FRANCE)
Concept Art
3D Models
Environment modelled, UV unwrapped, and textured by Rachel Tan
Character modelled, textured, and animated by Pei Ling
Some Environment Models by Rami Suvanto
Test Render by Marmoset Maya Plugin
Story Introduction
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